This is the slanted house. It was built this way on purpose. It is really weird being on the inside of it. It kind of made my stomach turn walking around it in!
We spent two hours exploring the statues and enjoying a picnic outside!!
Slow turtle |
Eating lunch on these rocks! |
We were staying in the EUR section of Rome. This was the communist section of the city in the 1970s. All the building were very uniform and there was a man made river through the center of the area. It sort of felt like walking through Boston along the Charles. I found it very nice and comforting however you did not feel like you were in Rome. We walked to the metro and ended up going to dinner near the forum. We stopped at one place and sat town to eat. The prices were really high and they didn't have a lot of pasta dishes to offer. We felt bad but we got up and kept looking. Having five kids with us, we were not sure this was a good idea since they were settled and hungry but we really didn't want to be ripped off at dinner. We realized we made the right decision when we found the next restaurant. It was Italy's version of a Hard Rock cafe. They had statues of American singers on the walls and all sorts of hand painted pictures and fake memorabilia. They had TVs on the wall showcasing magicians so the kids were really happy. The price was right and the food selection was amazing!! Although you might not know it since Janelle, Delaney, Allison, and I all got the same tortellini and both Blythe and Xander got hamburgers. James got curry chicken and Howard got a meat plate. It was set up like an American meal all on one plate! You see here in Italy, everything is served separate. Vegetables, meat, and pasta would all be on a different plate. This meal was American, all in one!
This was so yummy! |
When we got back to the hotel, we are all a bit wired. The bird experience had gotten everyone a bit nutty. So we were loud walking into the hotel. Two people at the front desk turned and stared as we walked in. People usually stare when they hear English but the way they looked at us, I figured they spoke English. Then I realized the man looked familiar. I realized it was Evan Lysacek! I kept asking everyone if they thought so and no one was sure. He kept looking at us so I finally said ," Are you Evan?" I was right! He came over and chatted like it was no big deal. He told us there was a big ice skating event Saturday night. He wished he had tickets to give us. He was really nice! We chatted for a bit and then went up to bed. As we were telling the girls that he was an Olympic gold medalist and on Dancing with the Stars, I realized we should have asked for a picture. We ran back downstairs to get one but he was gone!
Breakfast was included at our hotel. It was an amazing buffet breakfast with everything you could ask for. There were lots of Italians in track suits, we figured they had to be ice skaters performing tonight!! It felt neat to be surrounded by so much talent! We had to check out before we went into the city to explore the Castle. As I was waiting to check out, I noticed the woman in front of me. She was speaking English. I asked her if she was the French ice skater who did back flips, I was right again!! Then Sasha Cohen walked by us. I felt weird asking for a photo. So we just stared impolitely and smiled!!
This bridge was in Eat Love Pray |
The 4 Musketeers |
We made our way to the Castel St. Angelo. It is a really neat castle. It is just down from St. Peter's Basilica. We had a great time exploring. At the top, we had great views of the city! The kids were great. They named themselves the "4 musketeers" as they sang their way around the castle. Exploring is always much for fun when you have friends!!!
This is the Castle from Angles and Demons |
After the Castle we stopped for lunch and then road the metro back to the hotel.
We packed up and headed home.
Another great outing with the Hatteroth's!
I can't wait to find out what we will be up to next!