Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What an experience?!

Okay so this actually happened on Friday and I didn't mention it to anyone.  But since I am now blogging, I think it bears sharing.  Friday Howard and I were heading on a guided tour of downtown Naples.  We took the bus to the train station and the leader was going to show us how to purchase a ticket and how to get around the city.  The girls were in camp so it was going to be a fun day.  The bus took us to the Joint Forces Command base and we walked to the train station.  We bought our tickets, easy enough.  We got on the train, and it had limited seats so we stood.  If you have ever been in Boston, it was like riding the green line.  We started out outside and ended up underground.  We were chatting with an army man on our tour.  I noticed the window was opened and mentioned that seemed strange since we were going underground.  I was thinking fumes would be bad.  But the guys didn't seem phased.  Now I must state, that I get motion sick and I took my sea bands off during our walk and forgot to put them back on for the train.  We were almost at our stop and I started to feel strange.  Howard started talking to me and I told him to stop talking I do not feel well.  I wasn't really sure what was wrong, I just didn't feel normal.  The next thing I know I am waking up and Howard is shaking me and I see the train behind him.  At that point, I realized I must have passed out!  I have no idea why but I went down and Howard and another gentleman had to carry me to a seat outside the train.  Everyone was nervous and when I came around, I walked to the outside.  I felt like I needed air.  Although walking made me feel dizzy and nauseous, I made it outside to a little piazza.  The train workers were frantic to get me to sit.  They wanted to take me to the hospital.  I just wanted to sit and try to calm down, I was sweating like a pig and felt tingly inside.  It truly was a strange experience.  The workers called an ambulance to come and check on me.  They were concerned about my pulse.  Two or three different people kept trying to take my pulse.  The ambulance came and a little old lady doctor came to check on me.  She just kept touching me.  I know Italians are a touchy culture, but it was really odd.  She kept telling me I was going to be okay.  I guess I kept closing me eyes, I really just wanted to sleep and she wanted me to stay awake so she kept rubbing my face.  And for some reason, I just kept noticing all the chin hairs on this poor woman.  I mean here I am passing out and Howard is freaking out and I am laughing on the inside about this woman's chin hair.  It really was such a strange experience.  They made me get up and walk to the ambulance.  I got sick along the way.  When all my vitals came out okay, the doctor told me I needed a shot.  We have no idea what she gave me but I got closed up in an Italian ambulance and the man nurse gave me a shot in the bottom.  It was nuts.  And again I am noticing the not so important things,  the gurney had a big black spot on the sheet!  The doctor told me I would be fine, that I should go home and go to sleep.  So they called us a cab and we took it back to the JFC base.  From there our sponsor,Keith, picked us up and took us back to the hotel.  I went right to bed and slept for the better part of the day.  I woke up to eat dinner and that was it.  I have no idea if it was motion sickness, allergies (the girls are really bad), fumes from being underground or what.  All I know is that it is an experience Howard and I will not soon forget.


  1. How scary! It really is unnerving to fall ill in a foreign country (even if it is now home to you). Looks like you were well cared for though! And let's be honest, chin hairs are HILARIOUS!! So, when will you try that adventure again??..

  2. LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL! You remind me of me in a "crisis"~~noticing the little things does have a way of calming your nerves and you are having your very own little party in your head! I would recommend you keep the bands on for quite some time to come. Love and kisses!

  3. Well I hope you are enjoying the blog. I swear the doctors face is not stuck in my brain forever!!
