Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Eat Love and Pray Pizzeria!

What a fun day!  Thanks so Kody.  She took Jannelle and I on our first bus trip to downtown Naples.  We parked the cars at the Capo base near the Naples airport.  Then we walked to the airport to get the bus.  It was 3 euros to ride.  The bus was pretty hot but we got seats so it wasn't too bad.  We rode it for one stop and got off and walked.  Naples is like any big city, crowded and busy.  One section reminded Janelle of Market street in San Francisco and I agreed.  We got off the bus dodged a few cars along the way and walked the couple of blocks to the pizzeria.  Kody wasn't exactly sure of the side street to take, but as we were looking at one street a street vendor looked at us and said ,"Pizzeria, si!" and pointed right.  I guess this place is getting very popular with tourist.  I know locals have always known about it.  We got there early, at eleven, because we have been told you can not get in the door at lunch time.  The smell of fresh homemade goodness greeted us at the door.  It was so nice that it was empty because we got to look around. I tried to take pictures of everything.  We were asked if we wanted cheese or double cheese.  We went all in and got the double.  I took a few photos and before I could put the camera away the pizza was ready.  The oven is so hot it cooked so fast.  It was so pretty I didn't want to eat it.  But of course, I did!!  It was so yummy.  The sauce was not heavy or overly tomato.  It was perfect.  The cheese had the perfect blend of salt so it worked well with the sauce.  The crust was very think but you could still pick it up!  It was just wonderful!!  We had Jacob with us, who is 8 months, and the staff just loved him.  Italians love babies.  It was such a fun lunch!  I can not wait for visitors so that I can go back =)


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