Sunday, March 20, 2011


   Some museums here in Naples are free entrance until May.  The mayor wants people to go do cultural things and see all the city has to enjoy.  We decided to go to the Capodimonte gardens and museum.  It was a bit chilly to explore the gardens but the museum was fun!  We brought flat Mrs. McCreedy with us.  She had fun sitting near the fountain.

She also enjoyed the view of the bay of Naples!

We enjoyed the museum.  The girls were really good about looking at all the art.  Some of it got a bit graphic so we had to move through those rooms quickly but for the most part, they had fun looking at all there was to offer.  Flat Mrs. McCreedy and Delaney had fun playing hide and go seek around a statue!
After our fun morning, we came home and did some work in the garden.  You girls shared with flat Mrs. McCreedy all you picked.  I let flat Mrs. McCreedy rest with a nice glass of wine and a tarallo.  A tarallo is a cracker  Neapolitans take with them when they go out walking.  They are served with many antipastos and go great with a glass of wine!

Perfect way to end the day!

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