Saturday, May 21, 2011

Downtown Naples!

My parents came back this May and thank goodness the weather was nice this trip.  The first weekend they were here we headed to downtown Naples after Delaney's t-ball game.  We took the train in from the JFC.  We walked to Piazza Plebiscito and to the waterfront.  We went to the Galleria and walked into the Castle Nuovo.  It was fun to wander the city on such a nice day.  We had fun people watching and observing all things Italian.  We got to show my parents Christmas Alley, with all their precepe (traditional mangers).  I was surprised that they are still out this time of year.  I guess you never know when you want to start on a new one for the next Christmas.

We topped our walking tour off with some gelato!!  YUMMY! 

We had to save room in our stomachs, we were headed to Mama's for dinner.  It is the restaurant in our parco that serves a 5 course dinner with nine different appetizers!  It is delicious but you have to come hungry.  So we skipped lunch and just opted for gelato! 

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