Sunday, May 22, 2011


Paestum is two hours south of Naples.  We had heard that Paestum has the best Greek ruins outside of Greece.   Well the ruins did not disappoint.  I had no idea that there were three temples to see.  They were so well preserved.  It is amazing to think this was built without modern tools!!  These temples were built around 550-450 BC.  Just unbelievable to think that they are here today!!  Back in WWII when the allies invaded Italy, they landed on the shores of Paestum.  The GIs used the temples as shelters and even hung rope to use as clothes lines between its columns!!  It wasn't until they found pottery buried that they called archeologists from Britain to examine the area and declare it a historical site! (We learned this at the little museum that is nearby!  Fascinating stuff!)  It was a beautiful day and we had fun exploring the ruins with my parents.  Daddy stayed home since he was sick and still tired from his trip to CA.
climbing an olive tree!

This is part of a tomb found in the area.  It is one of the first painted tombs to be found.  They had never been know to paint the inside of a tomb.  This is a famous picture of the man diving into the after life.

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